Milena - gets high from massage and then lies in the bathroom and smokes cigarettes - 28 March 2023 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Milena - gets high from massage and then lies in the bathroom and smokes cigarettes

Our beauty loves massage, and so she sexually lay down on the sofa and began to get a thrill from the massage! after the massage she caressed herself in the bathroom playing with foam in warm water and did not forget to smoke beautifully and sexually

before smoking massage after smoking (6:30) 1 full-length angle! (15:32) repetition of the video camera aimed at the ass

The girl speaks russian

conversations inside the video

Hey beauty, are you in a massage session ?? yes yes i came to you! go to bed, I'll rub you with this wonderful cream! the cream will cleanse your skin and be very gentle! speak if it hurts or is unpleasant! (Satisfied, everything is fine, model's answer) This is a cream for the back and we will smear our feet! so that they are beautiful and soft too! I wash off the cream for a second and put a new one on my hands! this is a more gentle foot cream! You are very sexy, no wonder you have a lot of fans! very nourishing cream! You like it (model answers yes yes) everything is ready here you have a towel (thanks answer) you do not mind, I will take you off while you sail! (no, you don't mind!) but yes, you smoke! (yes yes, I smoke, I like to smoke) you are great! (model laughter) you love smoking! (yes, yes, I love to smoke after a relaxing massage, I love to smoke! yes, yes) I know a lot of massage techniques, but I gave you more relaxation! wash off the cream from the back, it cleanses the skin and makes it look younger! how sweet you smoke (model smiles) I can't keep the camera turned on! because of your sexual smoking (model I put the cigarette in water) take a new cigarette until you start worrying no need! do you hate throwing cigarettes in water ??! (yes, yes, I don't like it, but it will be very clean, I try) what a sweet smoke! let's get to know him better! Smoking beautifully (thanks) is real sex! agree ??? (model laughs, yes) Hope the fans will be happy too! let's rinse! you have very beautiful hair (yes thanks) show your heart to the fans! (thanks model, it was nice)

The girl speaks russian playing guitar singing(English)

The girl speaks russian

playing guitar singing(English)

The girl speaks russian(no dialogue)

playing guitar singing(English)

Price: $ 20 USD

Length: 30 minutes

Size:  900 Mb

Format: MP4

Resolution: 1920x1080

tags: beautiful smok, smok bathroom, pleasure smok, smoking fetish, elegantly smok, massage, sexy bathing
Category : Milena | Views : 417 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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