Royal- Smoking beauty -pouring hot water with cigarette smoke on myself while smoking a lot of cigarettes(1080 60 fps) - 26 March 2023 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Royal- Smoking beauty -pouring hot water with cigarette smoke on myself while smoking a lot of cigarettes(1080 60 fps)

Our busty model smokes a lot using proprietary studio techniques! she decides to blow tobacco smoke from a lot of cigarettes into a potion and then pours it on her head! completely smell like cigarette smoke is her goal! after that she does not stop and smokes a lot and does not forget to plug cigarettes in her nose! (it's no secret that smoking with your nose sends smoke straight to your head)

careful loud sound

Translation of conversation in the video(the girl speaks English)

Price: $9.99 USD
Length: 9 minutes
Size: 2317 Mb
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920x1080

tags: beautiful smok, mouth and nose, smoking fetish, powerful smok, tobacco bath, 3 at once
Category : royal | Views : 414 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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