Smoking Lessons - 21 February 2024 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Smoking Lessons

You don't know how to smoke? Imagining how it is and have sweet butterflies in your stomach just about thinking of it that you smoke? No problem, honey. Here is the manual. You're required to start with something light, but not too light. You can take Winston Reds or maybe L&M Reds... Don't waste the time with "Blue" and other lights stuff. Julietta is a professional in heavy smoking. So she will take Djarum Brown with 33 mg Tar and 1.9 mg nicotine. It's at least twice the cig you have taken, but no worries, she will guide you in the nearest future how to get there where she is with her smoke. Starting with the manual on how to inhale, how to hold and exhale. Then you will have a breath exercise where you will take the smoke deep and exhale it towards your cock and legs while you are completely nude. This will be required to understand how sexy smoking is and you will see how you cock becomes enormous size. Julietta appears completely nude in hot artistic stockings, so don't worry while you smoke and look at her, you have a double impact. Now to learn the lesson, you will have one more cigarette when you see Julietta taking relaxed inhales and sexy exhales. It's like a rest that you deserve after a hard lesson. The action is taken from two angles, so you will see Julietta from all the sides. Both are included in this sexy as fuck vid.

Time: 16


                                                            $ 11.49

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tags: Heavy Smoking, Lesson, Nicotine Fit, classic smoking, Brown Cigarettes, Glamour Nude, Erotic Nude, Hair Styles, Chainsmoking, Smoking Teacher, Teacher Fetish, Deep Inhales, nude
Category : Julietta | Views : 154 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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