Dasha: Speedsmoking in The Dark - 16 January 2024 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Dasha: Speedsmoking in The Dark

Very darkside action. Dasha is awake at night speedsmoking as hard as only possible. It's only 4:30 mins, but she smoked those cigs one after another in no time. She coughs a lot, spits phlegm out of her black lungs and inhales constantly throughout this short clip. The amount of smoke she got in this short time is enormous. Pure lung damage clip for your pleasure. It's faster than any challenge on speedsmoking made.

Time: 7


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tags: Lungs Damage, Deep Inhales, Lungfuck, classic smoking, Spitting, Coughing Fetish, Challenges, Speedsmoking, Heavy Smoking, Dasha, Coughing, Spit Fetish, Chainsmoking
Category : Dasha | Views : 93 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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