Eva smokes and sips Adrenaline Rush part 2 - 12 September 2023 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Eva smokes and sips Adrenaline Rush part 2

In this part Eva smokes 2 strong Sobranie brown cigarettes and talks about her turn on when smoking during gym and other occasions. Eva starts sipping her beverage to energize herself while smoking. She then starts stretching her legs and talks about how sexy it is to smoke while doing sports. Eva is a very fit girl and powersmoking beauty. This video mainly emphasizes on her love of smoking and telling what she likes to do. She shows her legs and her outfit all during sipping more and more energy beverage.

Time: 10

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tags: classic smoking, exercise, #Beauty #Exercise #Feet #Legs #SFW , Smoking Girl, Smoking Beauty, Foot Play, Eva Smoking
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