Jaelkaa - smokes nicely and licks ice cream - 16 November 2020 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Jaelkaa - smokes nicely and licks ice cream

  In this video our model is almost naked, wearing only sexy lingerie. She smokes several

  strong cigarettes and licks ice cream sexy. She loves to have something in her mouth -

 be it a cigarette or ice cream. She tells her smoking story and inhales deep.

Video: 1080p,19 min, 60fps



screenshots of the paid video


tags: nose_Smoking, the_technique_of_Smoking, cigarette_smoking
Category : Ellie | Views : 603 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
Total comments : 1
выхухаль | comment № 1 | Date: 07.08.2023

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