Ksenia: I am your lungfucking whore... - 13 January 2024 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Ksenia: I am your lungfucking whore...

Extremely heavy 3ppd smoker Ksenia smokes 12 cigarettes in 18 mins. Showing her sexy smoked body fully nude, her cunt, ass and what not... True, non-staged darkside smoking: My lungs have blackened the way you can't imagine.. I was ill lately and the phlegm I had was fucking black! I was staring and could believe it. You will get to know her favorite pose (you can imagine). Though unwell she continues to smoke more and more to get the stronger buzz and blacken her hungry lungs. She doesn't inhale weaker towards the end, vice versa, the more she smokes, the stronger her inhales are. You'll be amazed. Small talk in this video is translated.

Time: 18


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tags: Heavy Smoking, Bbw Smoking, Chainsmoking, Darkside, classic smoking, Multiples, Challenges, Deep Inhales, Lung Damage, Ksenia, Blondes, Puffy Tits, Lungfuck
Category : Ksenia | Views : 61 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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