Royal- Smoking beauty - smokes a pack of strong cigarettes and dives into potions causing a hell of a cough - 26 March 2023 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Royal- Smoking beauty - smokes a pack of strong cigarettes and dives into potions causing a hell of a cough

Our favorite model doctor decides to smoke a whole pack of cigarettes! she brewed the potions in a basin and prepared her lungs for a pack of strong cigarettes! she started with 1 cigarette, but then decided to smoke a lot of cigarettes at once, taking 5 at once, and then ... she lowered her head into a basin and opened her mouth and eagerly swallowed the potions her lungs were filled with black pungent smoke at first and after the potion did its job her cough was constant ! it's good that the lungs remained in place! this is a unique video which is not present anywhere! my model is really cool! she did it!

Translation of conversation in the video(the girl speaks English)

Price: $23.99 USD
Length: 15 minutes
Size:  4324 Mb
Format: MP4
Resolution: 1920x1080

plese tame

tags: elegantly smok, cough.smokingsmoking deep, Smoking cough, 5 at once, smok extreme, powerful smok, potion water., smoking fetish, diving smoking
Category : royal | Views : 248 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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