royal-smoking cigarettes is just disgusting for her, but she will smoke !for you - 10 February 2021 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

royal-smoking cigarettes is just disgusting for her, but she will smoke !for you

This young lady tries a cigarette, but throws it away immediately, because she prefers electronic cigs. She's so sexy when she smokes. She hopes that e-cigs are lessharmful. Well, she's wrong....

Translation of conversation in the video(the girl speaks English)




Price: $9.99 USD

Length: 10 minutes

Size: 1093 MB

Format: MP4

Resolution: 1080x1920

Added: 1/27/21 10:37AM


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tags: smoking iqos, smoking story
Category : royal | Views : 443 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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