Slender girl Olga smoking in the park - 11 September 2023 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Slender girl Olga smoking in the park

Our slender model Olga lights cigarettes one after another in the park. Olga is a young and very beautiful full time model. One of our most beautiful models. She smokes thin Vogue cigarettes during the video making deep and powerful inhales, double inhales and reinhales into her lungs. Olga uses matches to light up. Olga is a true combination of innocent beauty and passionate heavy smoker.

Time: 21.00

Size:500 MB

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tags: pantyhose, Match Lighting Fetish, Deep Inhales, classic smoking, Olga, Blondes, Dress, Chainsmoking, Pantyhose/Stockings
Category : Slender girl Olga | Views : 158 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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