Victoria Blonda - morning fitness with cigarettes - 29 March 2023 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Victoria Blonda - morning fitness with cigarettes

our blonde beauty! loves fitness in the morning and cigarettes! she decides to combine it all and show you the class! she cleverly smokes without using her hands! Even though she tries hard! and ready to give pleasure to you again

Russian model (foreign music plays)
translation of her voice:

hello everyone today we will do exercises and smoke

Price: $ 21 USD

Length: 14 minutes

Size:  1000 Mb

Format: MP4

Resolution: 1920x1080

tags: beautiful smok, Smoking cough, powerful smok, smoking fetish, smok without, smok fitness, without hands
Category : Victoria Blonda | Views : 306 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 0.0/0
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