Victoria Blonda - smoked a pack of cigarettes while exercising - 29 March 2023 - модели_ролики - Extreme Smoking Fetish

Victoria Blonda - smoked a pack of cigarettes while exercising

Our beautiful model has released a new video! She does various exercises and smokes in dragging smoke into her nose and mouth ! then she dips her head into the potion to make her dizzy even more!

there is a cough in the video

translation of her voice:

Price: $ 45 USD

Length: 28 minutes

Size:  1700 Mb

Format: MP4

Resolution: 1920x1080




tags: elegantly smok, 3 at nose, fitness smok, powerful smok, diving smoking, Smoking cough, smok technique, mouth and nose, 2 at nose, nose Smoking, smoking fetish
Category : Victoria Blonda | Views : 360 | added : выхухаль | | Rating : 5.0/1
Total comments : 1
anarxist | comment № 1 | Date: 17.04.2023

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